Brioches alla CremaCream brioches (Brioches alla Crema)
Cream brioches
Puff pastry croissant filled with custard
Brioches al CioccolatoChocolate brioches (Brioches al Cioccolato)
Chocolate brioches
Puff pastry croissant filled with hazelnut and cocoa spread
Brioches al PistacchioPistachio brioches (Brioches al Pistacchio)
Puff pastry croissant filled with pistachio spread
Pistachio brioches
Puff pastry croissant filled with pistachio spread
Brioches al CaramelloCaramel brioches (Brioches al Caramello)
Caramel brioches
Puff pastry croissant filled with caramel spread
Brioches vuotaEmpty croissants (Brioches vuota)
Empty croissants
Puff pastry croissant without filling
Brioches alla confettura di albicoccaBrioches with apricot jam (Brioches alla confettura di albicocca)
Brioches with apricot jam
Brioches filled with apricot jam
Brioches integrale al mieleIntegral brioches with honey (Brioches integrale al miele)
Integral brioches with honey
Brioches with wholemeal flour and filled with honey
Treccina uvetta e canditiBraided raisins and candied fruit (Treccina uvetta e canditi)
Brioches braided with raisins and candied orange
Braided raisins and candied fruit
Brioches braided with raisins and candied orange
Krapfen alla cremaCream donuts (Krapfen alla crema)
Cream donuts
Krapfen filled with custard
Krapfen all'albicoccaApricot Krapfen (Krapfen all'albicocca)
Apricot Krapfen
Krapfen filled with apricot jam
Krapfen al cioccolatoChocolate donuts (Krapfen al cioccolato)
Chocolate donuts
Krapfen filled with hazelnut and cocoa spreadable cream
Krapfen alla crema mignonKrapfen with cream mignon (Krapfen alla crema mignon)
Krapfen with cream mignon
Krapfen filled with small custard
Krapfen all'albicocca mignonMiniature apricot donuts (Krapfen all'albicocca mignon)
Miniature apricot donuts
Small Krapfen filled with apricot jam
Krapfen mignon al cioccolatoKrapfen mignon with chocolate (Krapfen mignon al cioccolato)
Krapfen mignon with chocolate
Small Krapfen filled with hazelnut and cocoa spreadable cream.
Brioches integrale ai frutti di boscoWholemeal brioches with berries (Brioches integrale ai frutti di bosco)
Wholemeal brioches with berries
Brioches with wholemeal flour and filled with wild berry jam
Brioches vegana integrale e aranciaWholemeal vegan brioches and orange (Brioches vegana integrale e arancia)
Wholemeal vegan brioches and orange
Vegan brioches with wholemeal flour and orange jam
Brioches vegana riso venere chinoa e confettura lamponeVegan brioches spelled chinoa and raspberry jam (Brioches vegana riso venere chinoa e confettura lampone)
Vegan brioches spelled chinoa and raspberry jam
Vegan brioches with spelled flour, chinoa seeds and raspberry jam
Brioches vegana papaya e mangoPapaya and mango vegan brioches (Brioches vegana papaya e mango)

Papaya and mango vegan brioches
Brioches mixed with flour and papaya stuffed with mango jam.
Excellent brioches for the summer with a fresh and very aromatic taste.
Brioches vegana con farina canapa e confettura di melogranoVegan brioches with hemp flour and pomegranate jam (Brioches vegana con farina canapa e confettura di melograno)
Vegan brioches with hemp flour and pomegranate jam
Vegan brioches with hemp flour, pomegranate jam and linseed
Sfoglia aperta alle melePuff pastry open to apples (Sfoglia aperta alle mele)
Puff pastry open to apples
Fragrant puff pastry with cream and apples
Sfoglia aperta ai frutti di boscoPuff pastry open with wild berries (Sfoglia aperta ai frutti di bosco)
Puff pastry open with wild berries
Fragrant puff pastry with cream and berries
Fagottino pasta sfoglia alle melePuff pastry bundle with apples (Fagottino pasta sfoglia alle mele)
Puff pastry bundle with apples
Fragrant puff pastry with cream and apples
Treccia noce pecan e sciroppo d'aceroOrange and almond braid (Treccia noce pecan e sciroppo d'acero)

Orange and almond braid
Puff pastry braid stuffed with almond cream and jam and orange and garnished with fillet almonds
Brioches alla crema mignonBrioches with cream mignon (Brioches alla crema mignon)
Brioches with cream mignon
Puff pastry croissant filled with small custard
Brioches alla confettura di albicocca mignonBrioches with apricot jam mignon (Brioches alla confettura di albicocca mignon)
Brioches with apricot jam mignon
Puff pastry croissant filled with small apricot jam
Brioches mignon al cioccolatoChocolate mini brioches (Brioches mignon al cioccolato)
Chocolate mini brioches
Small brioches filled with hazelnut and cocoa spreadable cream
Brioches vuota mignonEmpty mignon brioches (Brioches vuota mignon)
Empty mignon brioches
Small empty brioches

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