Torta Saint Honorè alla cremaSaint Honoré cake with cream (Torta Saint Honorè alla crema)
Saint Honoré cake with cream
Cake based on sponge cake and cream, decorated with whipped cream and cream puffs, with a side dish of chopped hazelnuts
Torta Saint Honorè al cioccolatoSaint Honoré chocolate cake (Torta Saint Honorè al cioccolato)
Saint Honoré chocolate cake
Chocolate sponge cake and chocolate cream base, decorated with whipped cream and chocolate puffs, with a side of dark chocolate tail
Torta MilleFoglieMillefeuille cake (Torta MilleFoglie)
Millefeuille cake
Leaf paste base with sponge cake and cream, customizable with variations
Torta Saint Honorè allo Zabaione e amarettoSaint Honorè cake with zabaglione and amaretto (Torta Saint Honorè allo Zabaione e amaretto)
Saint Honorè cake with zabaglione and amaretto
Sponge cake base and eggnog cream, decorated with whipped cream and custard cream puffs, with amaretto grains on the side
Saint Honorè Con FruttaSaint Honorè With Fruit (Saint Honorè Con Frutta)
Saint Honorè With Fruit
Sponge cake and cream base, decorated with whipped cream and fresh seasonal fruit, with a side dish of chopped hazelnuts
Torta Crostata alla frutta frescaTart cake with fresh fruit (Torta Crostata alla frutta fresca)
Tart cake with fresh fruit
Shortcrust pastry cake with sponge cake and cream, decorated with fresh seasonal fruit
Meringata al cioccolato e nocciole tostate intereChocolate meringue and whole toasted hazelnuts (Meringata al cioccolato e nocciole tostate intere)
Chocolate meringue and whole toasted hazelnuts
Meringue base, whipped cream, sponge cake, chocolate cream, whole roasted hazelnuts, whipped cream and finished with meringue pieces
Meringata alla frutta frescaFresh fruit meringue (Meringata alla frutta fresca)
Fresh fruit meringue
Meringue base, whipped cream, sponge cake, custard, fresh seasonal fruit, whipped cream and finished with meringue pieces
Tiramisù modernoModern tiramisu (Tiramisù moderno)
Modern tiramisu
Mascarpone dessert, a modern reinterpretation from the classic recipe
Stampa foto personalizzata Custom photo printing (Stampa foto personalizzata )
Custom photo printing
You can add a sugar wafer print of your personal photo or cartoon drawing. Just send a jpeg file of the desired photo by email to or by sending a Whatsapp to +39 3890517038 indicating the name and surname of the order
Cestone in Sfoglia e frutta frescaPuff pastry basket and fresh fruit (Cestone in Sfoglia e frutta fresca)
Puff pastry basket and fresh fruit
Cake for 8 - 10 people. It is not possible to make variations in size.

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Via Chiesa Friola, 44, 36050 Pozzoleone (VI)